IP-Driven Innovation 2.0
(Patent Protection)

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Have you ever had one of those light bulb moments? Creative inventions fuel today’s economy and have made inventors billions of dollars. Without legal protection, however, copycats are able to freeload off the creativity and hard work of others.

Registered Patent Attorney Jonathan Schlaifer will discuss how patents will let you exploit your ideas to leverage (and protect) your ingenuity to maximize your reward, whether to obtain investment funding, license an invention, or launch your own venture. Mr. Schlaifer will showcase his expertise in obtaining IP for clients in the electronics and software fields by discussing examples of protecting innovation in cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI). At the end of the session, you’ll walk away with a sense of how patents can help you launch and grow your business, including how to obtain and derive value from a patent portfolio.

Jonathan SchlaiferPatent Attorney, NSIP Law
> As a Patent Attorney, Mr. Schlaifer has worked on a large number of computer-related applications, including a wide variety of hardware and software technologies, as well as various technologies in electronic and mechanical fields, including a variety of medical devices and business methods applications.
> Mr. Schlaifer worked as a software engineer at the National Library of Medicine and as a Patent Examiner before attending law school. During law school, Mr. Schlaifer was an intern at the Solicitor’s Office of the USPTO, assisting in litigation. Mr. Schlaifer has also practiced law as a patent prosecutor at large law firms in the Washington, DC area, including a general practice firm and IP boutiques. Mr. Schlaifer has represented a variety of large clients as well as smaller clients, preparing and prosecuting applications, advising clients, assisting with legal research, due diligence, and litigation support work. During his time at large firms, Mr. Schlaifer also worked on a variety of pro bono cases, such as in landlord-tenant law and family law cases.
> Education: American University, J.D., 2008; Harvard University, A.B., 2002 (cum laude)

Stephen BoughnerPartner, NSIP Law
Mr. Boughner’s patent practice includes transactional intellectual property matters and client counseling for all phases of patent preparation and procurement, including preparing and procuring patent applications, as well as post issuance activities and evaluations, including reissue, reexamination, pre-litigation counseling involving a broad range of technologies and legal issues, design around counseling, portfolio management, and patentability, product clearance, validity, and infringement studies and opinions. Mr. Boughner has also has prepared and conducted and numerous seminars with both focused presentations and general IP overviews here in the U.S. and abroad.