How to Start an IdeaFire – Leveraging AI to Accelerate Innovation with Sean Makulowich

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Discover how to leverage the transformative power of AI to accelerate innovation in your organization, improve marketing efforts, and gain a competitive edge. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or an established executive, this interactive workshop will equip you with bleeding-edge AI tools, growth tactics, and actionable insights to boost creativity, supercharge productivity, and streamline operations.


Sean Makulowich
Founder and CEO, IdeaFire
Sean Makulowich is the Founder and CEO of IdeaFireTM, an award-winning digital marketing and AI consulting and training firm based in downtown Bethesda that is celebrating a decade of innovation this year with its 10th Anniversary. For over 15 years, Sean has been consulting, training, and advising sales, marketing, and HR executives – providing and guiding them with deep insights and expertise on how to develop creative and effective marketing campaigns that drive their customers to take action. Sean is a compassionate leader who encourages his team and his business partners to foster creativity and further company growth through client success. Read full profile…