Economic & Geopolitical Impacts on Cybersecurity Resilience

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This panel dives into the complex relationship between global economics, geopolitical tensions, and their impact on cybersecurity resilience. Experts will explore strategies for building robust defenses and achieving swift recovery from cyberattacks in this dynamic environment. Discussions will focus on how to adapt cybersecurity approaches to effectively handle and bounce back from threats, ensuring preparedness amidst external pressures.


Brian Park
Managing Partner, SparkLabs Cyber+Blockchain
Brian is a startup evangelist, advisor, and angel investor. He is the Managing Partner at the SparkLabs Web3, a SparkLabs Group accelerator fund. The group has invested in over 350 startups with a $6.3 billion in total post money valuation. He was the former Global Solution Architect at Chainalysis. He was also the former COO of Startup Grind, which is one of the largest hi-tech startup communities in the world with over 2,000,000 startup entrepreneurs in 600 cities. Read full profile…


Wayne Chiang
Tech-savvy Visionary & Founder of ThreatQuotient
Wayne Chiang is a tech-savvy visionary dedicated to optimizing the world through innovative solutions. With over two decades of experience in software engineering, cybersecurity, and problem-solving, Wayne’s career is marked by a relentless pursuit of innovation and a passion for creating elegant products that tackle complex challenges. As the founder of ThreatQuotient, he has experience leading teams focused on defending against advanced cyber threats across various sectors. Read full profile…

Jon DiMaggio
Chief Security Strategist, Analyst1
Jon DiMaggio is the chief security strategist at Analyst1 and has over 16 years of experience hunting, researching, and writing about advanced cyber threats. In 2022, Jon’s authored his first book, “The Art of Cyberwarfare,” which earned him the prestigious SANS Difference Makers Award, solidifying his status as a thought leader in the industry. Read full profile…